Siemens Korea donates 100 million won to help overcome novel coronavirus outbreak

2020.03.14 11:27:00


Siemens Korea announced on March 13 that the company had donated 100 million won to the Korean Red Cross for supporting response efforts and stop the spread of COVID-19 outbreak.


The donation was made through a joint effort of five entities at Siemens Korea, including Siemens Ltd. Seoul, Siemens Healthineers, Siemens Energy, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy and Siemens Industry Software. The total donation delivered to the Korean Red Cross will be used for preventing further spread of the epidemic and supporting relief activities in the affected areas.


“With the nationwide spread of COVID-19 causing severe difficulties for all citizens in Korea, Siemens has decided to make a small contribution in hopes of helping to contain the spread of the virus and to support the affected areas in the country,” said Mr. ChewKong Lum, President and CEO of Siemens Korea. “Siemens is committed to support protecting the safety and health of the local community and continue our efforts to combat the crisis together”


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